“It is hard to fail, but it is worse never to

have tried to succeed.”

–Theodore Roosevelt-


Jenny Schucker

Jenny Schucker, the Founder of Academy of the Winds (AOW), brings a strong educational background and a wealth of experience. Jenny stopped full-time teaching and redirected her passion for education towards establishing the Academy of the Winds in 2019. Jenny is enthusiastic about the future, and is changing educational landscape in Fremont County.

The Pioneer

Javvad Syed

Javvad makes visions a reality. With a certification from Harvard and continuously pursues growth through new experiences and learning opportunities. He uses his diverse knowledge and skills to empower his family, community, and clients. He has a passion for helping people achieve their goals and leveraging their strengths to create impact.

The Chief

Mark Wahl

Mark, a decorated Marine and accomplished engineer, founded Apogee Dayton to ignite the passions and feed the soul by training the senses to see the rich goodness of the world.

Mark's passion for values-driven education fuels his mission to empower others to be more and do more.

The Professor

Doug & Suzan Moreland

Musician & Artist Doug Moreland carves his own path in life. Having traveled the country, as well as settling for a bit in the busy-ness of Austin, Doug & his family now find his remote hometown in 'far out West Texas' to have the perfect communal support in which to grow and spread their ideals for an enlightened society!


Tammi Trevino

Tammi loves it when a plan comes together. She is an overeducated under-medicated leader who is tenacious, faithful, and authentic.

Tammi is a wife and mother of 6 with two masters degrees in education who speaks fluent child and adult without missing a beat. "Can you see the train?"

The Strategist

Patrick Begin

Driven by a passion for building future leaders, Patrick isn't just a husband and father he's a community champion. Patrick is launching Apogee North Sound .

Patrick, with decades of grappling/wrestling experience, recognized that success in wrestling rooms, MMA, and jiujutsu gyms translates to success in business and life.

THE North Sound

Nissa Cohen

Nissa Cohen is a wife & mom; a coach & educator; an entrepreneur & amateur homesteader. She strives for virtuosity in life: to do the common, uncommonly well, and to draw that out of others in her community too. Unwilling to settle for the status quo of conveyor belt schooling in Omaha, NE area.

The Virtuoso

Louis Pineda

Lou, a devoted father, excels in the realms of business and finance as both a banker and entrepreneur.

Driven by his love for his children and fueled by a commitment to lifelong learning, he passionately mentors youth, embodying excellence and purpose in all his endeavors.

The Sage

Kris DeLange

As a visionary ahead of her time, Kris initiated homeschooling for her five sons long before it became legally recognized. Committed to whole health, she established Joy Farms to cultivate nutritious beef, eggs, and vegetables for locals. Apogee at Joy Farms, seamlessly integrates authentic learning with real life on the farm.

The Farm Girl

Tim & Shareese Jordan

Tim and Shareese Jordan are a power couple. Proud parents of three, faithful Christians, and lovers of freedom and sovereignty. Truth seekers with a track record of pushing boundaries and questioning the status quo. These founders of Apogee30A invest their time, talent, and treasure into impacting future generations.


Chris Linscome

Chris and Britni Linscome have been quietly talking, praying, and leaning into what their lives could look like when they become intentional about where they invest their time and energy. They aim to love well, live well, serve well, and lead well. They work to leave their corner of the world better than how they found it.


Tyler Bowman

As a husband, father, athlete, and business owner Tyler has a track record of helping his teams win.

The ability to lead by example, find high leverage solutions, and amplify the efforts of others has helped Tyler create a winning culture with an exceptional standard of excellence, across many platforms.

The Force Multiplier


Building our Apogee campus in Fredericksburg, Texas.

Chris is a entrepreneur, strength coach to multiple junior national champions, and former college athlete.

But foremost, he is leader by example.


Curry and Madison Fattig

Curry and Madison left jobs in healthcare and public education, and sold their house to start Apogee League City East and grow this mission. Their passion as parents has given them a fearless pursuit to bring true freedom, sovereignty, and education to the families in their community. This unstoppable duo works together to create a better world,.


Mike Trybulski

Mike is a husband and girl dad who believes in living a life according to God's will and purpose.

He is a dedicated 20-year veteran of law enforcement and security. His passion for transferring knowledge led him to become an educator in his field and now to building an Apogee Education Campus.


Courtney Schuetz

Courtney proudly wears the scars and wrinkles that signify a lifetime of hard work and smiles.

As a Montana native, USMC veteran and former engineer she honed her tenacity and grit.

As a mother, farmer and wife she has learned to use those same skills in a creative and gentle way to create a life full of joy.

The Visionary

Gillian Gorsuch

Gillian forges her path, embracing life fiercely. Having a passion for nutrition, she crafts exceptional food for her family.

Always beside her husband and kids, she’s exploring nature and creating memories in her favorite role as a mother. Committed to a life of purpose, she's sculpting a remarkable life beyond her dreams.

The big enchilada

Zachary Gorsuch

A veteran of the Navy’s Search and Rescue community, Zack is the embodiment of altruism, risking it all ‘So others may live’.

His passion to serve is surpassed only by his love of family. Dedicated to the mission, he is committed to a purpose driven life.

The Guardian

Rob Bowen

Rob is a husband, father and co-founder of Apogee San Tan. He is a jack of all trades and master of none.

He has a background in construction, sales, banking and mortgage. More importantly he is the father of a son that is the primary influence for joining Apogee and building a campus for his community.

The Builder

Peggy Lowe

Peggy, born and raised in Utah, taught in public schools for 12 years before embracing her favorite role as a stay-at-home mom. Her inspiring passion for youth shines brightly in her interactions with young heroes. She prides herself on getting outside with her kids and making sure she is physically active and strong so she can be the best mom, wife, friend, and family member.

The Educator

Dustin Lowe

Dustin, a devoted father, husband, and family leader, is driven to create a lasting legacy for generations.

With a successful career in corporate finance, his true passion lies in service. Whether leading at home or in the community, he is committed to aiding others' growth and success through mentorship, action, or advocacy.

“Always look for the helpers…” - Fred Rogers.

The Visionary

Lorén Watkins

Lorén is the Executive Assistant to the CEO at a top B2C service company, leveraging her expertise in software and home automation.

Outside work, Lorén prioritizes an active lifestyle with yoga, Pilates, and CrossFit. She's passionate about outdoor adventures like canyoneering and backpacking in national parks.

But her greatest joy comes from spending time with her husband and two-year-old daughter, Canyon, making cherished memories together.


Shawn Watkins

Shawn, CEO of Taabl, a stock benefits platform, blends his expertise in software and cybersecurity with an MBA from BYU. A devoted learner, he immerses himself in audiobooks and podcasts. Passionate about fitness and personal growth, he thrives in activities like CrossFit and canyoneering.

Yet, at the core of his world is his daughter, Canyon. Shawn prioritizes quality time with her, ensuring she has the freedom to explore her passions, mirroring his commitment to adventure and learning.


Haley Jackson

A proud boy mom rooted in faith, family and integrity, Haley has a passion for protecting children.

Recognizing the pivotal role education plays in shaping the future, Haley has embarked on a mission to ensure that every child has access to build a foundation of emotional intelligence, critical thinking, and social skills, aiming to nurture well-rounded individuals equipped to contribute positively to society.

The Haven

Peggy Lowe

Karina, a dedicated wife, loving mother, and cherished friend with a heartfelt passion for nurturing and working with children, brings a unique blend of expertise to her endeavors, drawing from her background in both non-profit operations and real estate.

Motivated by her unwavering love for her children and driven by a steadfast commitment to lifelong learning, she passionately mentors youth, extending a friendly hand to guide and support them on their journey.

The Mentor

Tim Kennedy

Tim’s hard work and passion have resulted in an extraordinary life. Green Beret, UFC Fighter, and Television Host are all among his career highlights, but perhaps not as personally meaningful as Husband, Father, and Patriot. Tim is a great example of being unapologetically American!


Matt Beaudreau

As a lifelong educator Matt has a reputation as a provocative thought leader in educational and personal development practices. He is a two-time featured TEDx speaker and he was named Corporate Trainer of the Year at Stanford University, having spoken to over 250,000 people .



Like an uncaged tiger, Coach Whit brings resilience, heat, and a quiet power to Apogee. Coach Whit has become a force of nature not unlike the hurricanes that peppered her formative years. Deep empathy, sharp insight, and a fierce commitment to integrity in all things.



Full of power, vulnerability, wisdom, and vision, Coach Kevin brings the experience and solid foundation needed to change the lives. At live events or virtually, what you can expect from him is genuine love & connection with an unyielding insistence on being open, responsible and accountable.



Sean is a husband, father, and co-trustee of Kind Foundation.

He has been in financial services for over 20 years, helping people to keep their money, grow their wealth, and give back meaningfully and powerfully . It's his passion and unique talent, and what he believes will ultimately change the world!


Reseeding the foundations of a free society by reimagining education for the entire family.